64 articles found for keyword search: +agricultural +developmentPage 1 of 7
Book Review: Agricultural Innovation Systems in Asia: Towards Inclusive Rural Development
This book points to the need for finding alternative science, technology, and innovation or STI pathways to meet the new challenges from South Asian agriculture experiences. While technological, institutional, and policy innovations continue to remain important, embracing a systems approach to...Volume 17 Issue No. 1 (June 2020) -
Strengthening Social Capital for Agricultural Development: Lessons from Guama, Bali, Indonesia
Agriculture plays a significant role in the economic development of Indonesia. In Bali province, the government has been implementing agricultural development programs through subaks, which are customary communities that manage the traditional irrigation system. However, subaks now face some...Volume 11 Issue No. 2 (December 2014) -
Wither the Economics of Agricultural Development?
In spite of a healthy demand for a renaissance in economic policy for agricultural development, the academic supply response is found wanting. The infusion of public economics into the economics of agricultural development, which thrived during the 1970s and 1980s, has stagnated due to the lack of...Volume 7 Issue No. 1 (June 2010) -
Enforcing TRIPS in Asia: The Implications for Agricultural Trade and Development, and an Agenda for Effective Compliance
In accordance with its mandate to ensure the production and trade of better and competitively priced goods and services around the world, the World Trade Organization has to enforce several multilateral agreements, one of which is that on the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights...Volume 4 Issue No. 1 (June 2007) -
The Role of Agricultural Colleges and Universities in Rural Development and Lifelong Learning in Asia
The paper expounds on the challenges confronting institutions of higher agricultural education (HAE) in the context of the significant role of education in alleviating poverty, especially in rural areas, and in light of the changing needs of rural areas and economies. Specifically, HAE institutions...Volume 2 Issue No. 1&2 (December 2005) -
Rural Institutions, Agricultural Development, and Pro-Poor Economic Growth
According to conventional wisdom, the ideal form of pro-poor economic development is through investment in agriculturally-led growth. In the early stages of growth, increased production decreases food prices and shifts out the demand for labor. Inasmuch as poor households disproportionately consume...Volume 1 Issue No. 1 (June 2004) -
Integrating Indigenous with Scientific Knowledge for the Development of Sustainable Agriculture: Studies in Shaanxi Province
Smallholder farmers are the main stakeholders in agricultural development in China. Their agricultural knowledge (indigenous knowledge) influences their decisions and behaviors both directly and indirectly. However, the importance of smallholder-farmers’ indigenous knowledge is often ignored...Volume 15 Issue No. 2 (December 2018) -
The Microeconomics of Agricultural Development: Risk, Institutions, and Agricultural Policy
Assertions of pervasive inefficiency in the behavior and organization of developing agriculture are found to be based on unsound methodologies. Models apparently based on expected utility theory are theoretically flawed and use highly restrictive assumptions that make them largely irrelevant for...Volume 21 20th Anniversary Issue (October 2024) -
Book Review | Genetically Modified Crops and Agricultural Development by Matin Qaim
Farmers have been growing GM crops for 20 years and planted 180 million hectares to GM crops in 2015. Qaim provides a thorough and unbiased review of the accumulated research on the risks, benefits, and policy issues surrounding the use of GM crops in developing countries. The book will be valuable...Volume 13 Issue No. 1 (June 2016) -
Challenges for Sustainable Agricultural Biotechnology Development in Indonesia
The development of biotechnology in Indonesia is a response to more serious food security challenges as the growth of food yield in the last decade has been much less than that of population. This paper describes biotechnology development in Indonesia, examines government policies related to...Volume 7 Issue No. 2 (December 2010)