73 articles found for keyword search: ricePage 1 of 8
New Dynamics in the World Rice Market
In the last four decades of the 20th century, the world rice market was highly unstable, with price volatility greater than that on world wheat and maize markets. In the 21st century, however, new dynamics (a thicker world rice market, more irrigation, milder export restrictions) have contributed to...Volume 21 20th Anniversary Issue (October 2024) -
Coping with Climatic Stress in Eastern India: Farmer Adoption of Stress-Tolerant Rice Varieties
Cultivating stress-tolerant rice varieties (STRVs) is widely cited as a strategy of rice farmers to cope with climate-induced stresses. In India, dissemination of STRVs started in 2008 through international development initiatives, but only 5 percent of farmers have adopted it after seven years...Volume 19 Issue No. 1 (June 2022) -
Rice Value Chain Analysis in the Philippines: Value Addition, Constraints, and Upgrading Strategies
Using the value chain analysis (VCA) framework, this research analyzed the rice value chain (RVC) in the Philippines, examined the value additions, identified constraints, and proposed upgrading strategies to enhance the competitiveness of the rice industry and the specific segments in the RVC...Volume 17 Issue No. 2 (December 2020) -
Upland Rice: Cultural Keystone Species in a Philippine Traditional Agroecosystem
This paper examines rice biocultural diversity in Sarangani Province, Southern Philippines through a socio-anthropological lens. Participatory rural appraisal highlighted the cultural importance of upland rice and the entire suite of farming rituals practiced by ethnic communities in the area...Volume 17 Issue No. 2 (December 2020) -
Measuring the Efficiency of Rice Production in Myanmar Using Data Envelopment Analysis
Rice production in Myanmar is constrained by biophysical and socioeconomic factors. Nonetheless, efficient farm practices can enhance productivity, farmers’ profit, and the price and quality of marketed rice. This study analyzed the profitability and efficiency of rice production in the...Volume 16 Issue No. 2 (December 2019) -
Financial Capacity of Rice-based Farming Households in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
This study examines financial capacity of various types of rice farming households in the Mekong Delta. Household financial capacity was elicited and quantified through interviews with 449 households practicing rice-based farming systems in four agro-ecological zones of the Mekong Delta. Household...Volume 14 Issue No. 1 (June 2017) -
The Role of Gender, Risk, and Time Preferences in Farmers' Rice Variety Selection in Eastern India
Using data from 5,601 rice farmers in Eastern India, this study examined the role of gender, risk, and time preferences in farmers' rice variety selection in Eastern India. The determinants of the following were estimated: farmers' rice variety selection according to variety type (i.e....Volume 14 Issue No. 1 (June 2017) -
Antioxidant Dietary Fiber from the Bran of Five Philippine Pigmented Rice Varieties
Pigmented rice varieties are considered rich sources of antioxidant dietary fiber (ADF); consuming them may have health benefits. In this study, bran samples of five Philippine pigmented rice varieties namely, Red-64, Black Rice, Calatrava, Arabon, and Dinorado were analyzed for their ADF contents...Volume 21 Issue No. 2 (December 2024) -
Effects of Farm Income Diversification and Labor Out-Migration on Rice Household Productivity in Indonesia
This study analyzed the impact of income diversification on agricultural output in Indonesia. We specifically focused on the effects of the cultivation of multiple crops, household heads’ employment in non-agricultural sectors, and regional differences in paddy rice productivity per area. We...Volume 21 Issue No. 2 (December 2024) -
Motivation toward Rice Farming in Margokaton Village, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia
Lately, younger people have not involved themselves in farming activities, nor have they continued their parents’ jobs as farmers. Nevertheless, agriculture continues to play a pivotal role in Indonesian food production. Some studies reveal that fewer young people have been engaging in farming...Volume 21 Issue No. 1 (June 2024)