46 articles found for keyword search: +food +securityPage 1 of 5
Urban Agriculture and Food Security in Development Planning
With the world population anticipated to reach over nine billion in 2050, and the majority of whom will live in cities, feeding a predominantly urban population will pose additional challenges to a predominantly rural-based agrifood system. Further, with the focus of economic activity being centered...Volume 21 20th Anniversary Issue (October 2024) -
Unveiling Socioeconomic Factors Shaping Global Food Prices and Security: A Machine Learning Approach
Global concern over food prices and security has intensified due to armed conflicts such as the Russia–Ukraine war, the recent COVID-19 pandemic, and climate change. Traditional analysis of global food prices and their associations with socioeconomic factors has relied on static linear...Volume 21 Issue No. 2 (December 2024) -
Self-Sufficiency and International Trade Policy Strategies in the Malaysian Rice Sector: Approaches to Food Security Using Spatial Partial Equilibrium Analysis
While the status quo of the national rice economy remains ambiguous, the Malaysian rice policy stand and tendency is more likely to move to a self- sufficiency strategy. Despite this, Malaysia has made an extreme policy decision to pursue an autarky economy in its primary staple, i.e., rice, thus...Volume 16 Issue No. 1 (June 2019) -
Global Financial and Food Price Crisis: A Double Shock on ASEAN Food Security
The food price crisis that occurred in the mid-2000s and the global financial crisis that transpired in 2008 had an enduring impact on developing and emerging countries where investment growth rates have declined sharply. Food insecurity has also become an important concern. Using a food security...Volume 14 Issue No. 1 (June 2017) -
Book Review | Food Security and Food Scarcity: Why Ending Hunger Is So Hard by Charles P. Timmer
Timmer provides an excellent review and synthesis of the challenges and solutions to reducing hunger and improving food security, importantly emphasizing the need to rely on markets together with government provision of public goods such as agricultural research and development (R&D) and rural...Volume 12 Issue No. 2 (December 2015) -
Food Security in Asia and the Pacific: The Role of Smallholders
This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by small farmers in Asia and the Pacific region in raising agricultural productivity and in diversifying into high-value commodities. About 87 percent of the world's 500 million small farms (less than 2 hectares) are in this region...Volume 9 Issue No. 1 (June 2012) -
Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Population growth, accelerated urbanization, and higher incomes are expected to increase food demand by about 70 percent by 2050—involving 1 billion extra tons of cereals and 200 million extra tons of meat (FAO 2009a). The region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia includes major food producing...Volume 9 Issue No. 1 (June 2012) -
Structural Transformation, the Changing Role of Rice, and Food Security in Asia: Small Farmers and Modern Supply Chains
Food security is not a viable social objective unless it is also a profitable undertaking for input suppliers, farmers, and marketers of output. Consumers must then be able to afford to purchase food, secure in the knowledge that it is safe and nutritious (Reardon and Timmer 2007). Achieving food...Volume 9 Issue No. 1 (June 2012) -
Indian Agriculture and Food Security: Current Concerns and Lessons
Since its independence in 1947, India has aimed its agricultural development policies at reducing hunger, food insecurity, and poverty. The new strategy of agricultural development launched in the mid-1960s was successful in improving macro (national) food security in a reasonably short period of...Volume 7 Issue No. 1 (June 2010) -
Ensuring Food Security – A Case for ASEAN Integration
The ASEAN member countries can be grouped into three sub-groups, each of which exhibits a distinct pattern with respect to food security issues. The first group is made up of the relatively food-secure countries of Singapore and Brunei. The second group consists of Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines...Volume 2 Issue No. 1&2 (December 2005)