38 articles found for keyword search: IndonesiaPage 1 of 4
Economic Returns to Agricultural Research: Thailand and Indonesia
In both Thailand and Indonesia, the public sector's agricultural research investments have substantially contributed to agricultural productivity growth, as have international investments in agricultural research, through the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR...Volume 20 Issue No. 1 (June 2023) -
Effects of Farm Income Diversification and Labor Out-Migration on Rice Household Productivity in Indonesia
This study analyzed the impact of income diversification on agricultural output in Indonesia. We specifically focused on the effects of the cultivation of multiple crops, household heads’ employment in non-agricultural sectors, and regional differences in paddy rice productivity per area. We...Volume 21 Issue No. 2 (December 2024) -
Digitalization in Indonesia’s Agrifood Sector in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 has disrupted Indonesia’s agricultural food supply chain, leading to the massive mintage and exertion of digitalization in the food and agriculture (agrifood) sector. This study systematically mapped the landscape of agrifood digital technology studies and startups in Indonesia and...Volume 21 Issue No. 1 (June 2024) -
Farming Systems and GAP Adoption in JASS Coffee in Tlahab, Temanggung Regency, Indonesia
Farming systems provide information about the complexity of agriculture at the household level in a region. In Temanggung, Indonesia, the Java Arabica Sindoro-Sumbing (JASS) coffee intercropped with tobacco and vegetables provides an interesting interaction study. Despite its potential, no in-depth...Volume 21 Issue No. 1 (June 2024) -
Assessing the Effects of Access to Safe Drinking Water on Children's Nutritional Status in Indonesia
This study analyzed the effects of access to safe drinking water on the nutritional status of children under the age of 59 months in urban and rural areas in Indonesia using the Indonesian Family Life Survey 5. Both piped water and packaged water were considered safe to drink. The descriptive...Volume 18 Issue No. 2 (December 2021) -
Agricultural Households’ Food Demand: Evidence from Indonesia
This study analyzes the consumption patterns of agricultural households in Indonesia using the 2013 first quarter data of the Indonesian National Socioeconomic Survey (Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional [Susenas]) and the quadratic almost ideal demand system (QUAIDS) approach. Indonesian...Volume 16 Issue No. 2 (December 2019) -
Income Inequality of Oil Palm Plasma Farmers in South Sumatra, Indonesia
One of the critical policies to encourage oil palm development in Indonesia is the Nucleus Estate Smallholders Project. This project involves engaging farmer organizations in operating and managing oil palm plantations. However, there are gaps in the organizational performance of plasma farmer...Volume 16 Issue No. 2 (December 2019) -
A Systematic Protocol for Mapping Forest Governance Research in Indonesia
Indonesia possesses a vast amount of forest resources. However, this condition has degraded and has triggered ecological and social problems. Many researches, especially forest governance researches, have been conducted in Indonesia and these have covered wide aspects of forest governance. Research...Volume 15 Issue No. 2 (December 2018) -
The Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change of Two Different Farmer Communities in Tanggamus Region, Lampung Province, Indonesia
The study aimed to calculate the livelihood vulnerability of organic and non-organic rice farmers' households to climate change. The sample was determined by a census comprising 60 organic and 80 non-organic rice farmers who lived in Pematang Sawa Sub-district, Tanggamus Region, Lampung...Volume 14 Issue No. 2 (December 2017) -
Panca Datu Partnership in Support of Inclusive Business for Coffee Development: The Case of Ngada District, Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia
Coffee development has big potential as coffee is one of the globally traded commodities in the world. Arabica and Robusta are the most popular coffee varieties produced by smallholder farmers in Indonesia, including those in Flores Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. The produce of this island is...Volume 13 Issue No. 2 (December 2016)