10 articles found for JEL code search: Q54 (Climate; Natural Disasters and Their Management; Global Warming)
An Impact-Based Flood Forecasting System for Citizen Empowerment
This work addresses the critical issue of flooding, a significant natural hazard, consistently ranked highest in the 2023 World Risk Index. The annual onslaught of tropical cyclones and the associated abnormal rainfall threaten lives, and destroy crops and property, thereby causing great economic...Volume 21 20th Anniversary Issue (October 2024) -
Rural Adaptation to Climate Change: New Findings and Existing Knowledge
This paper discusses the results of new research at the farm level regarding farmers’ responses to climate change. These results are placed in the context of existing literature. The topics include the benefits of adaptation, the forms of adaptation, and the drivers of adaptation such as land...Volume 18 Issue No. 2 (December 2021) -
Impact of Climate Change on Paddy Production: Evidence from Nepal
This study assesses the long-run relationship and short-run dynamics between paddy yields and climate variables: maximum and minimum temperature and rainfall using time-series data from 1971 to 2014 in Nepal. Applying Autoregressive-Distributed Lag Regression or ARDL bound testing approach for...Volume 17 Issue No. 2 (December 2020) -
Bio-Economic Assessment of Climate-Smart Tea Production in The Northern Mountainous Region of Vietnam
Agricultural production in the face of climate change requires a climate-smart transformation and reorientation at multiple scales. Vietnam is one of the developing countries that is agriculture-based and severely affected by climate change; therefore it is crucial that the agricultural system...Volume 15 Issue No. 2 (December 2018) -
Determinants of Climate Change Adaptive Behavior in Coastal Communities in Southeast Asia
This study sought to understand the determinants of autonomous adaptation of households in coastal communities in three countries (Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam) as regards climate change. The study’s main innovation is its focus on households facing a confluence of related haz...Volume 14 Issue No. 2 (December 2017) -
The Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change of Two Different Farmer Communities in Tanggamus Region, Lampung Province, Indonesia
The study aimed to calculate the livelihood vulnerability of organic and non-organic rice farmers' households to climate change. The sample was determined by a census comprising 60 organic and 80 non-organic rice farmers who lived in Pematang Sawa Sub-district, Tanggamus Region, Lampung...Volume 14 Issue No. 2 (December 2017) -
The Role of Gender, Risk, and Time Preferences in Farmers' Rice Variety Selection in Eastern India
Using data from 5,601 rice farmers in Eastern India, this study examined the role of gender, risk, and time preferences in farmers' rice variety selection in Eastern India. The determinants of the following were estimated: farmers' rice variety selection according to variety type (i.e....Volume 14 Issue No. 1 (June 2017) -
Field-Level Evidences of Climate Change and Coping Strategies of Smallholder Farmers in Molawin-Dampalit Sub-Watershed, Makiling Forest Reserve, Philippines
This article confirms that climate change is indeed a real phenomenon as observed and experienced by smallholder farmers in the Molawin-Dampalit Sub-Watershed. Using semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions, the smallholder farmers articulated their own indications of climate change...Volume 12 Issue No. 1 (June 2015) -
Sources of Growth and Instability in Agricultural Production in Western Odisha, India
This paper analyzes the nature and sources of agricultural instability in the Bolangir district of Western Odisha, India. The nature of instability in agricultural production is examined by determining the agricultural instability index (AII) of variables such as area, production and yield of food...Volume 11 Issue No. 2 (December 2014) -
The Role of Social Capital and Local Institutions in Coping with Climate Stresses: The Case of Krapum Chhouk Commune in Rural Cambodia
Social capital is a central requirement for a successful climate change adaptation, especially in Cambodia where formal institutions are still poorly developed. Collective action and not-for-profit bonding are important for climate change adaptation; however, these are not easily developed. This...Volume 10 Issue No. 1 (June 2013)